We are looking for a talented young scientist to join us!
/We are looking for a highly qualified and motivated researcher for a three-year Ph.D. position focusing on transcriptional regulation in mouse embryonic stem cells at the University of Iceland, Reykjavík.
The project is supported by the University of Iceland Doctoral Fund and the Icelandic Research Council for three years.
The studentship is in the Biomedical Center (www.lifvisindi.hi.is) and is associated with the Faculty of Medicine and the Graduate Program in Molecular Life Sciences (GPMLS). The graduate program is a joint program between research groups at the University of Iceland and research organizations associated with the University. The main objective of GPMLS is to create a dynamic interdisciplinary educational program and to advance research and education in the field of molecular life sciences. The program offers research and education opportunities in a stimulating environment for students working towards MSc. or PhD.
The PhD Position
The student will investigate transcriptional mechanisms in mouse embryonic stem cell fate commitment, with the aim of generating a better understanding of molecular mechanisms of early embryonic development. The approach will focus on genome wide assays such as chromatin immunoprecipitation and gene expression analysis coupled to high throughput sequencing in addition to molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology techniques as well as CRISPR-Cas9 based genome editing techniques. Erna Magnúsdóttir, associate professor at the Faculty of medicine, will be the projects supervisor. The group’s website can be found at http://magnuslab.is/.
We are looking for an excellent student with a recently completed MSc degree in cell biology, biochemistry or a related discipline.
Good experience working on research in a laboratory setting on molecular biology and cell biology assays.
Experience and skills in mammalian cell culture are required.
Good Computer skills.
Fluency in both written and spoken English is essential.
The applicants need to be able to work independently and have strong communication and interpersonal skills.
The applicants must meet the requirements needed to enrol into the School of Health Sciences Ph.D. program.
For more information, please contact Erna Magnúsdóttir (erna@hi.is).
Please include the following with the application:
Description of how the applicant meets the requirements, his/her interests in the project and how he/she can contribute to the project (max 2 pages).
Curriculum Vitae
Certificates of education (BS and MSc degree) and distribution of grades.
The name, telephone number and e-mail address of two referrals (including their relationship to the applicant).
Overview of publications.
Applicants are also invited to send a PDF of MS thesis (in any language) and any other relevant publications if available (max 5 documents).
The application deadline is March 31st, 2021.
The applicant is expected to start in September 2021.
Please apply through the University of Iceland website under vacancies.
The salary for the position will be in accordance with the current collective wage and salary agreement between the trade union and the Minister of Finance.